Visitors to this site since 8-5-02
Gallery 1
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Gallery 3
Click on the VSM name to view some top photos from the pages of the no longer published -  Vintage Speedway Magazine in the UK.
Johnny Hoskins the "Father of Speedway" called him "Buck" after a comic strip hero in the Sunday papers. Click on Keith's name for a tribute to this great Aussie sportsman.
The Veteran Speedway Riders' Association of Australia was formed by a group of Vets in 1991.  
The Association name was changed to the AUSTRALIAN SPEEDWAY RIDERS ASSOCIATION on June 5th. 2014.We look forward to the support of all current ASRA Members and for some of you younger riders and fans from the '80s, '90s and 2000s come on ! join us NOW..and let's get stronger.The Association was Incorporated in August 2016.
This website was created in 2002 as a private website and is maintained under a yearly rental agreement for the ASRA.
I do not accept any responsibility for financial or legal decisions or statements made by the ASRA Committee or Team.

Website is property of Brian Darby  
   or   Mob. 0419976557.
This page was last updated: February 8, 2025
Would you like to hear the sound of a J.A.P. engine or hear Stuart Mountford riding a few laps of his Jawa at Barleigh Ranch ?, if you would click on the sounds heading above.
A new small Brian Darby website with photos and tributes to our early Speedway champions.

Sign InView Entries
Would you like to let us know that you have visited our site or of your Speedway history ?
To leave a message on the ASRA site -  click on
 Sign In and leave your message and details or to view the existing messages click on 
View Entries.
 ASRA memorabilia is now on display at the Nabiac Museum.
To go to the Museum website click on the link below.
Click here to open a page showing up & coming events for ASRA members. 
Links to interesting websites - click on the logos below.
A Brian Darby website for lovers of Solo Speedway - worldwide.
Click on the heading above.
For one of the best Speedway photo collections in the world - click here
Allan Whitfield Roper -aka-Allan Blackburne - a true Aussie Speedway legend.
Click here for Allan's history.
Click on heading to view.
A webpage on Brian Darby's Vintage Speedway website. A collection of amateur candid photos from the 40s and 50s to which older club members may relate.
Click on the Molly heading.
Photos by Brian Darby
 My complete hard copy Solo & Sidecar 
photo collection. A huge collection of photos collected 
over 60 odd years .All sizes.
6x4 - 7x5 - 8x10 -10x12- A4 sizes.

plus a large collection of Australian
Speedway programmes For Sale.
Contact  Brian Darby
Mob 0419976557 or
Bill Sticpewich - one of our forgotten Aussie Heroes both in Speedway and War duties.
To view Stippy's record click on his name.
A Brian Darby website for lovers of Sidecar Speedway - worldwide.
Click on the heading above.
Affiliated with Motorcycling Australia. 
Now available to ASRA members - The VSRA-ASRA - The Years
Enjoy a look back through time as the Aussie Vets & International guests get together  for Annual Re Unions - Member Price $ 30 Au + $ 7.50 P&P Within Australia 
DVDs available to club members.
PAY PAL available for DVD purchases.
Contact  Brian on
I have a range of Old Bike Australasia magazines For Sale. Please contact me if you need any back copies.  Brian Darby on
or on Mobile  0419 976 557
The WORLD of SOLO SPEEDWAY - A Twin Disc PHOTO DVD of over 630 quality photos.
ASRA member price $ 75 + P&P.
Click on each Gallery for photos.
A collection of photos from Ivan's  personal archives. 
Click here for results of the Australian Solo Championship over the years.
Results courtesy of Graeme Frost (S.A.) 
Click here for the results of the Australian Sidecar Championship over the years. Results courtesy of Graeme Frost (S.A.). 
2024 - 2025  ASRA Committee.

Patron  - John Titman 

President - Dave Mills -

Vice President - Colin Davidson -

Secretary / Public Officer - John Walker -

Publicity Officer / Assistant Secretary - Terry Starbuck -

Youth Ambassador - Darcy Ward -

Acting Treasurer - Bill Powell -

Awards Co-ordinator - Mark Loiterton -

ASRA Contact - John Walker - email as above. 


   Website - Brian Darby
   Memorabilia & Archives
         Welfare Officer - 
  Bill Powell -

                                                          ASRA TEAM NEWS

Now in its 34th. year ASRA Secretary John Walker has provided this member update 
on new management team members and future plans.

We have put together a talented team of individuals to ensure the ASRA can deliver on its long term mission statement; 
‘‘To encourage goodwill and camaraderie in a social environment….. proactively supporting speedway past and 
present for future generations.  

New President Dave Mills brings a wealth of speedway experience and contacts, ably supported by newly 
appointed Vice President Colin Davidson and State Secretaries to make sure ASRA is truly a nationwide association; 
Steve Magro QLD,Tony Wilton WA, Shane Parker SA/NT, Rod Colquhoun NSW, Tony Webb VIC. 
 Leon Jowett  Tasmania. 

Dariusz Zakrzewskii, a regular contributor, has been appointed ASRA European Correspondent, 
ensuring members can be kept fully up to date with Aussies riding overseas.


We have established a new position of Youth Ambassador to encourage junior and senior riders, pit crew, 
speedway supporters and all bike enthusiasts to become members of ASRA . We are proud to announce that three time
 Australian Under 21 and twice World Under 21 Champion Darcy Ward has accepted this role –‘I would be delighted to work 
together with the ASRA to boost speedway awareness and progress the sport across Australia’. .

We are currently working through plans for an action packed 2025 program, relaunching a quarterly 
ASRA newsletter plus a range of new ASRA and speedway merchandise.
See  NEW Q1 ASRA Newsletter      Click on heading.
Please note the heading on my History page of photos in the Newsletter is incorrect the photos 
are from the Sydney Sportsground Speedway - NOT the Sydney Showground - Editor Error... Brian.

As you know Membership fees provide essential funding for ASRA administration, communication and 
event activities. Hence having survived the aftermath of Covid we need to urgently reactivate membership fee payment. 

Could all non financial members please renew their membership for 2025 asap, 
Also please confirm your membership contact details so that we can update and publish a new Membership Directory. 
See below.
Membership Fee $25 [email Newsletter] $40 [posted Newsletter]
Pay to ASRA at Commonwealth Bank BSB 062141 Account Number 10148587

IMPORTANT: Include MSHIP and your name in payment description.
Please confirm payment by email, post or text to John Walker with following information:  
name, address, date of birth, contact number and email address.   158 The Park Drive, Sanctuary Point, NSW 2540. 0417489281 

A page for small items & news about ASRA members welfare, happenings and requests.
Sorry, not for Buying & Selling Items.
Click on the heading.
Our President - 
Dave Mills in action at 
Liverpool Speedway 
QLD Steve Magro – 0405 566 425
NSW Rod Colquhoun - 0409 366 713
SA/NT Shane Parker - 0412 644 732
WA Tony Wilton - 0412 529 243
VIC Tony Webb - 0481 990 364
TAS Leon Jowett 0438 322 555                           
26.10.24 - A link to a new New Zealand Speedway Facebook page run by Dave Gifford now on this Out & About page.
We are including a BUY SWAP AND SELL SECTION in the new ASRA Newsletter.

If you want to buy swap or sell speedway parts, bikes, programs, memorabilia, books, CD’s, DVDs etc.

Please email copy [max 25 words] and optional image to 
Terry - 

This service is free of charge to financial members. 
Closing date for Q2 is Feb 28

Our Vice President.
 Col Davidson at Cumberland Oval
Col was VSRA  President  2016 - 2017.
A A tribute to the late Gordon Marx by  Bill  Powell on 
the  OUT & ABOUT  page 
The NEW 2025 ASRA FACEBOOK group is up and running. Please join and enjoy the history. 
Log onto
Dear ASRA Members and Friends.
In conjunction with the current free exhibition that is taking place until late March 2025 regarding the history of "The Place of Pace" Liverpool Speedway 1967 - 1989. The Liverpool Regional Museum is planning a special display in the carpark and surrounds of the Museum on the 1st March 2025. It is planned that the promotion will focus and highlight the motorcycles and cars that raced at the Speedway and include a static display of 
both the cars, bikes and memorabilia.
The Australian Speedway Riders' Association is cordially inviting as many 
ex-Liverpool competitors / pit crew / helpers and 
family members as possible to participate in this event so as to create a large
 social reunion for our members.
Liverpool Regional Museum is located at:
  462 Hume Highway Liverpool
  Cnr. Congressional Drive
 The day will officially start at 10.00am and conclude at 2.00pm.
Please pass this information on to others who 
you feel would like to attend.
Thanking you.
Bill Powell - ASRA
I will have a table there on the day selling my Liverpool ACTION & PHOTO DVDs
 and Liverpool prpgrammes -- Brian